1.Special mask design prevents light-reflection, a must for indoor application with strong ambient lightings.

2.Black 3-in-1 SMD, allowing wide viewing angle and provide high-contrast images.

3.With option of front or rear access, front service with magnet.

4.Flexible on size of cabinets & modules which makes customize design never be so easy.

5. Most advanced surface mount technology, the location & amount of paste are controlled and monitored by the machine, the nonconforming paste printing will be ticked out before going to the next process, so the overall yield-rate are higher.

6. Highest quality of PCBA material is used and all the PCB’s are heat treated for minimum 24hours before mounting of the SMD Led’s.

7. All color coded cables of higher quality

8. A fuse in every cabinet to ensure safety during maintenance and installations.